Welcome to TCPALand! The new website, powered by Womble Bond Dickinson, aims to be the internet’s top destination for all the news and views surrounding the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Your tour guide on this journey is Eric Troutman, one of the nation’s leading TCPA litigators and a new member of Womble Bond Dickinson’s Orange County office.
TCPAland is not just a defense-oriented blog, but rather a TCPA viewpoint aggregator, accepting contributions from established practitioners on both sides of the aisle.
“TCPAland.com is a veritable carnival of TCPA wonders” Troutman said “We want this to be the internet’s go-to destination for TCPA-related news and opinions, so we are open to contributors beyond our firm, representing the full gamut of interests in the TCPA field.”
Numerous attorneys Womble Bond Dickinson attorneys have already submitted content to the site, including Nicole Su, ArtinBetpera and Susan Nikdel. But lawyers beyond Womble Bond Dickinson will be contributing as well.
For instance, Octavio Gomez, head of Morgan & Morgan’s sizable consumer protection department has already signed on to contribute to the site. “I am so glad the internet finally has a one-stop resource for TCPA practitioners that will not just focus on one-side of the issues but explores and anticipates the other sides responses,” Gomez said.
Attorney Joshua Swigart of Hyde &Swigart said, “I’m excited for the launch of tcpaland.com and you can expect to hear my TCPA views on the website shortly.”
Other consumer-side attorneys are also looking forward to having a forum to express their views. Recent posts include:
- Edible Arrangements Beats Opt-Out Evading TCPA Plaintiff in Post-ACA Win;
- Breaking: Heavy-Hitting Petition Asks FCC to Confine TCPA to Statutory ATDS Definition;
- Contractual Consent Matters: Barton Decision Delivers First Out-of-Circuit Win for Reyes Holding that Contractual Consent is Irrevocable; and
- Just for Fun: What if Thanos Had Used the Infinity Stones to Stop Robocalls Instead of trying to Destroy Half of All Life (Spoiler Free).
Ready to visit TCPALand? Just go to https://tcpaland.com/ - and enjoy your journey!
Eric Troutman is one of the country’s prominent class action defense attorneys and is nationally-recognized in Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) litigation and compliance. He has served as lead defense counsel in more than 50 national TCPA class actions and has litigated nearly a thousand individual TCPA cases in his role as national strategic litigation counsel for major banks and finance companies. He also helps industry participants build TCPA-compliant processes, policies, and systems.