Shimadzu Instrumentation Corporation announces a collaboration with VpH, to establish the Medical Botanical Center of Excellence. The Center represents the first fully comprehensive pharmaceutical grade Medical Botanical Testing Platform in Texas.
The center will be positioned to support the State of Texas Compassionate Use Act (CUP) and Compassionate Use Registry of Texas (CURT), an initiative to help provide the requisite quality assurance necessary to support the prescribing of a key component of medical botanical for patients with intractable epilepsy. Vyripharm maintains research partnerships with Institutions throughout the Texas Medical Center focused on the integration and effects of medical botanicals with traditional standard of care treatments for cancer, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, contact sport injuries and neurological disorders.
The Center will be positioned to provide the State of Texas the flexibility and protection of a Core Center of Reference to facilitate potential expansion of the CUP.
David Jorissen, South Central Regional Manager for Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. commented, "Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI), Inc., is very excited to work with Vyripharm to help ensure the public health and safety as it relates to the state of Texas initiative with Texas Senate Bill 339. SSI has provided Vyripharm with a Letter of Support and a MOU to not only provide internal support for the Center, but the best instrumentation in the industry."
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) is the American subsidiary of Shimadzu Corporation. Founded in 1875, Shimadzu is a $3 billion multinational corporation with three major divisions: Medical Diagnostics, Aerospace/Industrial, and Analytical Instruments. The Analytical Division is one of the world's largest manufacturers of analytical instrumentation and environmental monitoring equipment. In addition to Japan, Shimadzu products are manufactured in China, the Philippines, the U.K., and in Portland, Oregon.
VpH is a subsidiary of privately held Vyripharm, LLC (Vyripharm) located in the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas. Vyripharm holds a botanical testing patent and patent rights to technology platforms currently being studied in conjunction with medical botanicals. Shimadzu and VpH are dedicated to establishing the most powerful medical botanical testing platform in the industry.
"The Center will collaborate with other UH research centers and scientists to establish a well diversity platform for the Center of Excellence at University of Houston Innovation Center," stated Ken Jones, Executive Director, Center for Industrial Partnerships, University of Houston.
"Public Trust and Safety. It is crucial that medical botanicals be subjected to the same rigorous analytical testing protocols that are required of pharmaceuticals for human consumption or treatment for illness. We are confident that the Vyripharm/Shimadzu Medical Botanical Center of Excellence at UH will provide a high level of assurance to the responsible government agencies and the public that the medical grade botanical for treatment in any state has been fully tested for clinical application and use. The Center will not only help foster botanical based drug development, but will also provide a level of assurance that Texas patients will benefit from pharmaceutical grade product," according to Dr. Elias Jackson, Director of Scientific Relations for Vyripharm.
Vyripharm is a biopharmaceutical firm focused on botanicals (medical botanical products) regulatory testing, pharmaceutical drug development, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, monitoring technology, development of imaging agents, and drug delivery systems. The aim of Vyripharm is to improve clinical management through diagnosis and treatment with botanicals, synthetic pharmaceuticals, and drug delivery systems. For more information visit